Career Advice


Image from Pexels The journey of motherhood is a crazy, happy one. The wild sleepless nights, the struggle of breastfeeding, and trying to figure out why your baby is crying—everything is overwhelming and nerve-wracking after you give birth.  After a while, however, things start pacing down. Just as things begin to fall into place, another challenge arises—rejoining the workforce.  This is difficult for every professional. But it’s a...
Image provided via Unsplash As a busy healthcare professional, you are at serious risk of developing burnout. Recent research published in the Journal of International Medicine found that the current burnout rate amongst healthcare workers is 49.9% and that 56% of nurses consider themselves burned out.  This is largely due to work overload, mismanagement, and long working hours. Left untreated, burnout can cause medical errors ,...
Image source from  Unsplash   It’s no secret that many jobs within the healthcare sector are stressful. The industry itself is often fast-paced with high stakes. People’s lives are often on the line, and even when they aren’t, dealing with patients from different walks of life can lead to burnout. All of these conditions make a perfect storm for stress, which can increase the risk of human error and reduce productivity.  If you...
Image Source: Pexels Positive interactions with patients can significantly impact the experience for both you as a doctor and your patients. It tends to make the situation less stressful and can facilitate more effective care. Yet, this positivity can occasionally be challenging to achieve.  One of the prevalent hurdles to good interactions is patients’ fear of doctors and hospitals. Anxious patients may be less communicative during...
Image by Photoman61 via pixabay   The healthcare industry is fast-paced and demanding and often leaves little time for relaxation or leisure activities. As a healthcare professional, it’s essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance in order to avoid burnout , perform at your best, and keep yourself mentally and physically healthy. However, this can be easier said than done. But with some careful planning and execution, it is...
Healthcare companies are managed by a variety of different people, depending on the size and type of company.  For smaller companies, the management team may consist of just a few people, while larger companies may have hundreds or even thousands of managers. The most important thing for healthcare company management is to make sure that the company is run smoothly and efficiently. This means that managers need to be able to handle a...
Image by JPC-PROD via Adobe Stock   The medical industry is experiencing rapid growth with the use of technology. The internet boom has also made it easier to share ideas and information. With widespread awareness of what could be awaiting them as soon as they can handle patients, many take advantage of internships, volunteering, and service-learning.  Medical professionals take years of study to accumulate the knowledge of treating...
If you happen to be someone that has autism, there is a raft of careers that you could enjoy in the healthcare sector. As a general rule of thumb , you should seek a job in healthcare that: Allows you to sell your work or create a portfolio that supports your career Has a defined objective, goal or endpoint Offers work in an environment that recognizes your social nuances Let's look at some of the best healthcare jobs for those...
If you are a nurse then you will know how difficult it can be to find shoes that are up to the task. You may feel as though even if shoes are comfortable to begin with, by the end of a 12-hour shift, they start to rub. On top of this, finding shoes that are non-slip can also be difficult. If you want to make sure that the shoes you are purchasing are able to support you through your career, then this is the guide for you.   Important...
U.S. Healthcare & Healthcare Systems Healthcare is one of the biggest employment sectors in the US and with good reason. Indeed, the US boasts some of the largest, most advanced, and most dedicated Healthcare Systems and multiple hospital groups in the world. Although there are so many choices, picking which one is perfect for your career needs can be a little confusing. Luckily, you can read all about the best and biggest Healthcare...
Image Source: ESB Professional via Shutterstock   The culture of the workplace is one of the biggest factors when people choose the environment in which they work. Hospitals are not always places of hope and joy; the healthcare system is under massive pressure as it is and so, it becomes harder for nurses, doctors and hospital administration to find a happy and comfortable place to fit in. While individual hospitals cannot do much to...
Image by wildpixel via iStock   One of the most important aspects of care in a hospital or health system  lies in knowing the most diverse hospitals across the country. To be able to identify the top health systems and hospitals for diversity, we have researched which have received diversity awards in the last few years, and we've looked into a few of the key areas of diversity management to see who the top of the crop is. The...