The average salary and compensation for surgeon is $356,965 per year. This roughly translates to $171.62 per hour. The average compensation for those who work as a surgeon can expect to make throughout their career is between $301,880 and $423,660.
The average compensation or salary can also differ based on a bunch of other factors throughout your career as surgeon . Some of the things that might affect earnings throughout your career might include additional bonuses, compensation, benefits, profit sharing, and more.
The average compensation you earn throughout your career will depend upon training, education, skills, and experience you develop throughout your career as a surgeon . As you gain more experience, you will earn more and should expect to earn between the range we’ve mentioned.
Some of the common health benefits for individuals working in the healthcare industry often receive Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, Paid Time Off, and more. If you are working in the healthcare industry, you can expect to receive some of the best benefits.
As with many other healthcare professions, employment projections for surgeon are expected to rise throughout the next decade as the healthcare industry continues to deal with the rising need for qualified healthcare professionals.