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Best Remote Healthcare Jobs

Best Remote Healthcare Jobs

Over the past few years, working from home has become increasingly popular. Nearly every industry is trying to figure out which job opportunities can remake the remote switch, as the change is being seen across a broad range of industries.

This switch has been driven by a large number of reasons, as these remote positions offer a considerable number of benefits. Industries that revolve around personal interaction like the healthcare industry, are also experimenting with roles that could be transitioned into remote opportunities. More than ever, individuals who are passionate about working in remote positions have the opportunity to consider remote healthcare jobs.

This has led to many people wondering if work from home healthcare jobs can be worth it and should be considered as they're evaluating new job openings. There are a few things that people will want to look at when looking at these kinds of positions, with many of us wondering what the best remote healthcare jobs are available.

While there are a variety of remote healthcare jobs available, there are a few of them that stick out and generate more interest than others. The primary reason behind this is the fact that some of the remote healthcare jobs we're going to outline need very little training before you’ll be able to start the position, although some additional certifications and education can be advantageous.

There are a variety of other reasons as to why you may want to consider remote healthcare jobs, with some of the more notable reasons being reduced workload, typical work hours, pay, autonomy, and much more. As such, the choice of which remote healthcare jobs are the best will often depend on what you’re looking for in work from home healthcare jobs and what you want to get out of them.

What Is A Remote Job?

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular over the past decade, and opportunities are becoming more popular in nearly every industry. In essence working in a remote job is where a person works from home either for one company or for several of them, with there being a variety of benefits to the practice.

These work from home benefits can be seen by both those who work remotely, as well as the companies that employ them. For workers, the benefits can include having a flexible working schedule in addition to being able to work for whichever company you want.

The freedom to work your own hours and from wherever you want could prove to be quite alluring to the majority of healthcare professionals and job seekers who want to make a difference. However, there are a few notable drawbacks to freelancing or engaging in remote work. Some of those notable drawbacks include unpredictable salaries in certain cases and the possibility of needing to look for new work on a regular basis.

Despite this, for high-quality professionals who ply their craft well, there will be many more benefits than drawbacks. This is especially true for people who have been freelancing or engaging in remote work in a specific niche for quite a significant number of years. Due to the fact that the healthcare industry is rapidly expanding each year and roles are capable of being done in a remote fashion, those healthcare professionals who pursue remote job opportunities will find an ample number of opportunities.

There are quite a large number of positions that you’ll be able to do from home as the healthcare industry looks to create more space for patients and transition some of the positions that can be done remotely.

Best Remote Healthcare Jobs

There are quite a significant number of work from home healthcare jobs to choose from, and the options can often seem overwhelming. While the volume of the positions available drives some of this anxiety and feeling of being overwhelmed, many of us would be shocked at the skills and expertise needed for them.

\While remote positions are home-based, some may often require you to come into an office regularly for meetings and a variety of other reasons. If you're looking for a completely remote position, this is something you may want to avoid, which will mean that it will play a significant impact on your decision and the remote healthcare jobs you choose to pursue.

However, there are a variety of home-based medical positions that stand out more than the others. As such, there are several that can be considered some of the top remote healthcare jobs available and should be immediately considered.

We've identified several remote healthcare jobs that stick out from the crowd and should be considered some of the best remote healthcare jobs to consider.

1. Medical Transcriptionist

In the most basic sense, a Medical Transcriptionist is someone who transcribes a medical professional’s reports and turns them into written documents that other healthcare professionals can use. However, there can be a variety of other tasks involved with the position, some of which you may not be aware of.

Some of the largest of these responsibilities and tasks include preparing summaries of the reports, as well as editing reports written by doctors and physicians. As a result, a relatively large amount of medical knowledge may be needed, although depending on the role you might not need need any certificates or university degrees for it.

Over the past several years, medical transcriptionists have seen an increase in demand, with this being driven by a few notable reasons. Perhaps the largest of these reasons is that insurance companies no longer accept hand-written reports from medical professionals.

However, many physicians and doctors will not have the time to type their reports, which is where medical transcriptionists factor in. Typically, there consistent process and routine to the role, with this being relatively standardized across the majority of facilities and hospitals across the country.

For example, when a medical professional performs an operation or exam on a patient, they’ll use a voice-recording device to make notes about the encounter. In some cases, the physician will write these in a patient’s file. Since insurance companies no longer accept these, the medical transcriptionist will then type it out to make sure there are no errors and mistakes.

Typically, these notes will be made in a specific format, although this can vary depending on the doctor’s specialty. As such, transcriptionists will need to have a certain amount of versatility in the role.

2. Medical Insurance Agent or Broker

These are positions that many people may have overlooked, as they might not be the most health-focused jobs on the market. Individuals and job seekers who are looking for healthcare roles or have begun to consider remote healthcare jobs should always consider positions that work in the industry, but might not be directly involved with patient care. These positions can offer quite a large number of benefits to those professionals who have never worked in the healthcare industry before, as many people see these as somewhat of a stepping stone to other roles in the medical world.

However, it’s worth noting that there are a few differences between a broker and an agent that you should be aware of. One of the most notable of these differences is who you’ll be representing in the role, though you should expect to serve as a middle man in the position.

In general, agents will represent one insurance company and will liaise with potential customers and patients about buying or renewing their insurance policies. Alongside this, it’s possible that you may also work in a customer service role.

A broker, on the other hand, will represent a variety of insurance companies and offer patients the best medical insurance for their needs. If you’re working in this role, you should expect to walk a customer through their needs and each of the policies to help determine which will be the best for them.

For a broker, finding the best medical insurance for their customer’s needs will be a priority. In contrast, agents will look to sell customers a specific insurance policy.

3. Pharmaceutical Researcher

What many people may forget is that there can be a variety of health-related positions that don’t focus specifically on patient diagnosis and treatment. There are a large number of positions that job seekers can pursue in a research capacity. A significant number of these research roles also have the ability to be performed in a remote capacity.

One of the more notable of these research roles is a pharmaceutical researcher. However, it should be noted that you may need quite a significant number of qualifications, education, and certificates required to get this role.

The expertise needed for the position could prove to be beneficial in the long-term, as it typically means that you should expect much higher wages than you’ll see with other roles. While many of these positions can be in-house, a variety of pharmaceutical consulting firms will hire freelancers, remote workers, or outsource the role in some capacity.

One of the primary benefits of this position is that you should be able to expect quite a large amount of versatility in what you’re researching. While you might need to research specific things for weeks or months on end, this should change once a project has been completed and you have the ability to dictate what you'd like to pursue.

Once this has been done, you’ll be able to move onto a new project. There is a large number of positions that you can choose from as healthcare facilities and organizations look to develop new research that can help solve patient needs and reduce costs in the industry. Qualified professionals in these positions should be able to expect a significant amount of long-term work.

4. Medical Copywriter

Medical copywriting is something that many people may not have thought of, although it’s something that could be quite alluring to many people. However, this is a position that has become much more in-demand over the last few years.

There are several essential traits that you’ll need to be successful in this role, with a solid understanding of the medical niche being just the tip of the iceberg. Alongside this, you’ll need to be able to think outside of the box to ensure that content flows well and that it’s easy to understand.

The primary goal of a medical copywriter is that they’ll need to take complex medical information or studies and turn them into content that’s easy to understand for non-medical professionals.

This should mean that you’ll need an in-depth knowledge of science and be well-versed in the art of writing on complex and foreign topics to most of the population. Once you’re experienced in the niche, you should be able to expect quite a large salary.

There’s also a somewhat straightforward path to promotions and higher wages, as you’ll be able to start working as a medical copy editor once you have several years of experience in the niche.

There are a large number of places and opportunities where you’ll be able to freelance or work remotely for. Some of the more notable of these include medical publications and even the medical facilities themselves, who may often need content for marketing purposes, among others.

5. Medical Coder

Medical coding is the process of turning procedures, diagnoses, medical equipment, and services into alphanumeric codes for filing purposes. In simple terms, this means translating complex medical information into simple and easy to understand codes for records.

This is typically done for billing and documentation purposes. There are a variety of reasons why this process is done, with one of the more notable reasons being that it allows for standardization across medical facilities and insurance companies, which can be beneficial for both patients and medical professionals.

By creating this standard, doctors and others involved in the industry are better able to identify and track health trends quickly. This is primarily because it makes researching what a patient is ailing from much easier than it would be without the code.

A medical coder is the person responsible for translating a physician’s reports into this code. Someone employed in this position can work in a variety of settings and will need a range of skills to advance in the niche.

Accuracy and consistency will be some of the more notable aspects involved in succeeding in this role. One of the primary reasons for this is because medical facilities and insurance companies will need the codes to be accurate and precise.

For example, when a physician fills out a report, simple language can isn't exact enough to tell insurance companies and other healthcare professionals what happened. On the other hand, medical jargon may often be too complicated for many people to understand.

As a result, medical coders can play a vital role in this process. This also means that you’ll need a keen eye for detail to ensure that everything is translated accurately each time a report is filed.


When choosing between the various work from home and remote healthcare jobs, there can be quite a large number of factors that may sway your decision. As such, the choice of which remote healthcare job is the best will vary significantly from person to person and deep research should be conducted to figure out which remote job opportunities you should pursue.

However, each of the above remote healthcare jobs can offer many of the key benefits that you may be looking for in a home-based position. Though some will need a certain amount of qualifications, many remote jobs will require less qualifications than you initially expected. Don't be afraid to pursue remote healthcare jobs because you've never considered them in the past. As the healthcare industry transforms the way it adapts to new consumer demands, the number of remote healthcare jobs will continually rise and provide new opportunities to impact patients in a variety of ways.

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