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26 Best Medical Apps on the Market

26 Best Medical Apps on the Market

With all the technology we have today, it's no wonder why our medical professionals are turning to mobile devices for help with patient care. Here are the best medical apps on the market.

You would be hard pressed to find a healthcare professional or healthcare student who didn’t use a handful of medical apps or healthcare applications to help them accurately diagnose and find effective treatment methods for some of the common things that are ailing their patients.

Phones and tablets are increasingly more powerful and convenient than laptops and have healthcare providers (HCPs) using them for day-to-day tasks. When a healthcare professional couldn’t quite pinpoint some of the healthcare conditions or accurately diagnose the patient they would have to leave the room, go search a database for some of the symptoms that a patient was experiencing to find potential ailments. Once they conducted their search, they would have limited resources available to accurately diagnose and then learn of the treatment methods available.

Nowadays healthcare professionals no longer have to worry about such things because healthcare has adopted medical apps and healthcare applications into the daily routine of finding the best pathway to treat patients.

From information and time management to patient care and monitoring, popular medical apps on Apple and Android devices help doctors increase productivity, increase efficiency, make better clinical decisions, improve their accuracy, be more mobile, stay up to date on current healthcare industry trends, stay up to date on current healthcare treatment trends, and seek advice/feedback on effective treatment plans or options. In addition, medical apps and healthcare apps are a great way for continuing education or training options for healthcare organizations looking to improve their workforce.

More than 87% of healthcare providers use smartphones or a tablet in the workplace. Those numbers are only expected to increase as nearly everyone has a phone or tablet within an arm’s reach. Even some of the medical devices that are being used during clinical rotations are on an iPad or mobile device. Healthcare facilities and hospitals are increasingly going to these more cost-effective devices and tools to save money in the long run, and aren't worried about some of the technology restrictions because phones and tablets can do so much more nowadays.

Gone are the days of paper medical records in manila folders, absent physicians who have to spend their time rifling through textbooks for research and references, and outdated diagnostic and calculating devices.

Today, healthcare professionals use mobile devices for searching medical topics and symptoms, a drug reference guide, a medical calculator, or for clinical guidelines and decision support.

Why Having A Medical App On Your Phone Is Important

Having a medical app on your phone might seem like it’s taking up valuable storage space. But the reality of the situation is that if you’re a healthcare professional, you should have a medical app on your phone for a variety of reasons. The first reason that you should have a medical app on your phone is that medical apps allow you to stay up to date on healthcare industry news.

You might think that you have your ear to the ground and have a good understanding of what’s going on within the industry, but the healthcare industry is so large that it can be difficult to keep track of all the changes and advancements. When you stay up to date on industry news, you can ensure that you’re on the leading edge of the industry because you have a better understanding of what’s going on.

The second reason that you want to have a medical app on your phone is that they allow you to stay up to date on current healthcare practices. Long ago one of the most common methods to cure any illness or disease was to use leeches and blood-letting. Aren’t you glad that it’s no longer the recommended method? The same thing could theoretically apply today. We don’t know what kind of advanced care methods will develop over time, but with time we will undoubtedly change our treatment methods and continually evolve how we provide the most efficient and effective care.

While some things will undoubtedly remain the same, we will also improve on things to make sure that the success rate continually improves.

When you stay up to date on current healthcare practices through the use of medical apps, you can also see how advancements are being made and track the research.

Another reason that you should have a medical app on your phone is to find and stay up to date on continuing education opportunities and requirements. One of the great things about the healthcare industry is that many employers, healthcare facilities, or hospitals require that healthcare professionals on their staff pursue and obtain continuing education credits. These continuing education requirements ensure that healthcare professionals are providing the best care and ensure that the healthcare staff is working towards receiving additional education.

Medical apps also provide a great outlet for you to seek feedback or advice from other experienced healthcare professionals or specialists. You can either seek feedback on some things that you’re unfamiliar with or have questions about, or even seek advice on how you should move forward with a treatment plan for a patient.

26 Best Medical Apps:

Since medical apps are the new wave in healthcare and many healthcare professionals use them, we've decided to make a list of the best medical apps for healthcare professionals. We’ve also broken down some of the best apps for you as a healthcare professional, healthcare job seeker, or healthcare student so you can figure out which medical apps or healthcare applications you should consider adding to your phone or tablet.

1. Doximity

Doximity is #1 on our medical apps list because it allows physicians and other professionals to stay connected to their colleagues, former classmates, and/or co-residents; look for opportunities in other hospitals by maintaining a network with colleagues and employers at various other institutions; earn continuing education credits by housing a catalog of medical journals that count for Category 1 credits; and send and receive HIPAA-secure faxes from a mobile device.

Doximity - Best Medical Apps for Healthcare Professionals

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This app allows medical professionals to streamline their efforts and maximize their time. With their HIPAA-secure fax function, doctors can send and receive crucial documents on their mobile devices without having to wait or navigate multiple devices.

This app is a great social tool, also. It lets healthcare professionals interact and find each other across the nation. More than 500,000 physicians use Doximity today-- that's more than the American Medical Association-- and they are sharing and interacting, turning Doximity into the biggest social network for healthcare professionals.

2. Box

Box is great for medical professionals because it lets them to securely access content, share files and collaborate with other healthcare providers from anywhere and on any device. Another great thing about Box is that it is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). This means doctors can store and exchange patient information safely and securely without being subject to lawsuits or breech of patient confidentiality.

Box - Best Medical Apps

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Doctors can share large files securely with their coworkers even if they are outside of their firewall, which can really help if healthcare providers are in different locations, but working with the same patient. They can also set different permissions only allowing certain people to view, upload, or have access to certain documents. The app also lets you track in real-time


time, which allows you to see who is accessing your documents.

3. PatientKeeper

Patientkeeper - Best Medical Apps


PatientKeeper lets physicians have complete access to patient clinical data anytime, anywhere. Now, they don't have to carry around a bulky laptop with saved records or manage multiple systems to have their patient's information in front of them when they need it. With PatientKeeper, doctors can access important data like:

  • Patient Lists
  • Patient Summaries
  • Lab Results
  • Test Results
  • Medication Lists
  • Clinical Notes
  • Vital Signs and I/Os
  • Allergies

The PatientKeeper Platform conforms to HIPAA guidelines for ensuring patient confidentiality and privacy. They have an encrypted server that protects and secures data before it is transmitted to a mobile device. All the information stays encrypted until the recipient views it from their secure application. Users must enter a secure PIN number or password to access the application and if they get it wrong a number of times it locks them out and wipes all the data from the device.

4. Mobile MIM

Mobile MIM is a diagnostic imaging app for Apple products. It allows imaging professionals the ability to work away from their workstations and diagnose images portably and in real-time


time. It allows them to consult with other imaging professionals on difficult cases by giving them the freedom to be away from their workstations.

Mobile MIM - Best Medical Apps


The app lets imaging professionals review X-rays and ultrasounds and enables them to bypass downloading and burning to CDs. They can also correspond between referring physicians and patients by having all the data they need at their fingertips.

Another benefit of this medical app is that you can keep all the data stored on your local network, or send it to the very secure MIMcloud. The MIMcloud is encrypted and HIPAA compliant and allows users to access data offsite and share between multiple MIMcloud users if initiated by main user.

5. Epocrates

Epocrates is a great resource for references and correspondence between healthcare professionals. The app allows physicians to look up drugs and check for harmful interactions between drugs. The app allows doctors to check for interaction between up to 30 drugs at once.

It also lets doctors consult with peer-reviewed disease content, to crosscheck diagnosis and discover potentially overlooked ailments.

Epocrates - Best Medical Apps

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With Epocrates, doctors can send secure messages to colleagues and chat with care teams to ensure quality care and that no stone has been left unturned.

It's great for corresponding with other healthcare professionals and reviewing guidelines to ensure the diagnosis and treatment path is the correct one.

The app was designed to support clinical decisions by delivering the most current safety, diagnostic, and treatment information in real-time



The app also saves time by putting all a doctor's reference needs in one organized, categorized spot so they can find what they want, when the need it. Instead of thumbing through medical journals or lists on Google, doctors can use Epocrates, find what they need and put their focus back on proper patient care.

6. Diagnosaurus

Diagnosaurus helps medical professionals form a differential diagnosis and list possible diseases or causes based on vague symptoms.

The app isn't supposed to guarantee a correct diagnosis or formulate one for a doctor, it is supposed to be used to pull together various diseases based on symptoms provided and help the medical professional form their own diagnosis.

Diagnosaurus - Best Medical Apps

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It has a search bar to allow a quick search of thousands of symptoms and can be used without internet. The hyperlinks in the app also help medical professionals narrow down vague symptoms. It only costs 99 cents in the app store, so that is another plus about this resource.

It shouldn't be used as a app for diagnosing, only one to help formulate a diagnosis based on the information it houses. If used properly, it can help healthcare professionals save time and diagnose diseases that could've been missed.

7. Evernote

Evernote is like a recorder on steroids. This app allows doctors to take notes and dictate happenings without needing to put pen to paper. With Evernote, there is no need to spend hours writing or making a medical scribe do it for you.

It could help alleviate a medical scribe's responsibilities or completely remove the human element from transcription. Evernote makes it possible for a physician to focus on thinking medically instead of clerically.

Evernote - Best Medical Apps

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With Evernote a doctor can keep pictures, notes, lengthy research, web articles, and every detail of their project in one space. What is great about the app is it keeps healthcare providers organized and minimizes the amount of paper and desktop files.

The app categorizes all notes, pictures, articles, research, screenshots, whatever, into a searchable database, so you can look for it later without digging through files. It's framework and functionality helps doctors maximize their efficiency and stay in touch with people crucial to projects and patients.

8. QuantiaMD

For healthcare professionals looking to get their continuing education credits (CME), QuantiaMD is the best app for the job. This app has a huge network of healthcare professionals, professors, and top experts who host lectures and Q&A sessions.

QuantiaMD - Best Medical Apps

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The application is partnered with many popular healthcare associations and faculty from top universities. They offer CMEs from Category 1 lectures, to advanced courses in furthuring education. They have courses in every medical field topic and will let people join for free.

It's a great resource for those that don't know where to go for CMEs or for those who just want a handy, accessible app they can download to get everything they need.

9. Perfect OB Wheel

If you are an OB, an OB nurse, or any medical professional that works in labor and delivery, the Perfect OB Wheel app has been voted #1 gestation calculator and a live saver. Many of these professionals either lose the paper OB wheel or another nurse swipes it from them and it is forever gone. With this app, you don't have to worry about it anymore because it is directly on your phone.

Perfect Ob Wheel - Best Medical Apps


This app is simple and fast and it does everything digitally, so you don't have to turn a confusing paper wheel to determine when a baby is due. It calculates trimesters, gestational age, and tells you when the baby is due. With the Perfect OB Wheel, you just input your numbers and the gestation calculator gives you the most accurate estimate of when a baby will come into the world.

10. HealthMap: Outbreaks Near Me

With HealthMap: Outbreaks Near Me, healthcare professionals can see disease outbreak information in real-time and use the information to buffer the community or respond to a crisis. The app was designed to keep communities informed and help stop the spread of contagious illnesses because if you know about it, you can protect against it.

This app makes it last on our list because it's not just for medical professionals, but for everyone. It's more of an information app to let people know what's happening around them. Their main goal was to bring everybody from various audiences together to facilitate early detection of global public health threats.

HealthMap: Outbreaks Near Me - Best Medical Apps

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What they do is great because knowing makes all the difference and the app brings together healthcare professionals, community leaders, and emergency workers, so they can take the first steps in preventing a global crisis.

11. 3D4Medical

3D4Medical is one of the most innovative and comprehensive tools that you can use as a healthcare professional, healthcare job seeker, or healthcare student. 3D4Medical has a handful of applications that healthcare professionals can use during their clinical rotations or as a learning resource. This medical app shows just how far the medical app or healthcare application sector has come in recent years.

With 3D4Medical, you can view some of the most comprehensive 3D models of anatomy, bone structure, muscle structure, and more. In addition, you can use the app as a note taking tool when you need to remember something. When you click on individual body parts, you can also get in-depth details of each anatomical figure that includes the name, latin name, info, and more.

3D4Medical is one of the most powerful tools and apps that you can find for healthcare professionals, as millions of users utilize the application each month and is a common component in some of the largest healthcare facilities or hospitals because of the must-have nature of the application.

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12. UpToDate

UpToDate is one of the largest clinical support tools that healthcare professionals and medical professionals use when they are trying to find solutions for their patients. For instance, UpToDate boasts over 11,000 topics in 25 specialties that is constantly updated and reviewed by some of the leading healthcare professionals within the healthcare industry. The great thing is that it isn’t just a handful of individuals who review all of the information on UpToDate, there are over 6,700 physicians, peer reviewers, and editors who use their clinical experience and expertise to evaluate all of the literature that is being produced or revised each day.

UpToDate is a great resource for healthcare professionals to get used to using, as healthcare organizations and hospitals are subscribing to the platform to find healthcare treatment options, learn more about individual drugs, or find answers to questions related to patient care.

As a healthcare professional, one of the best resources you can have is a tool at your fingertips where you can find solid research backed by thousands of articles that have been peer-reviewed by some of the leading healthcare experts in the industry. If you’re looking to have one of the largest healthcare encyclopedias and clinical research tools at your fingertips, then you should consider getting UpToDate.

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13. MedPage Today Medical News

MedPage Today is another one of the great healthcare news and healthcare industry medical cover tools that you should add to your repertoire of medical apps. MedPage Today is a great resource for those healthcare professionals or healthcare job seekers who want to read about individual specialties. For instance, medical professionals can read daily coverage from over thirty specialties.

MedPage Today also provides an opportunity for those individuals who need to work towards continuing education requirements, as MedPage Today has CME Credit opportunities through the app. If you’re interested in finding an app that provides extensive healthcare industry news, then you need to download MedPage Today.

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14. DynaMed Plus

Another clinical resource tool that is designed to cut down the time it takes to find an effective answer for some of the healthcare questions patients might pose is DynaMed Plus. DynaMed Plus has a team of researchers and physicians who combine their efforts to write content that is useful to physicians and healthcare professionals. Similar to some of the other clinical research and resource medical apps we’ve already mentioned above, DynaMed Plus relies on clinical evidence in every bit of content on the application.

The great thing about DynaMed Plus is that on some of the other medical apps we’ve mentioned, it can take days or weeks for the content to be updated with the new information or leading research. On DynaMed Plus, that isn’t a problem as the content is updated several times throughout the day to provide the most accurate and informative answers for physicians to have when they need to make effective decisions.

DynaMed Plus - Best Medical Apps - HospitalCareers

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15. QxMD Read

Read by QxMD is one of the best medical journals that you can personalize to your liking. Some of the medical journal apps on the marketplace are very restricted. They are restricted because the content producers are focused on providing some of the most in-depth content backed by medical research and clinical trials, but the problem with that is that the user experience and design often fall by the wayside. Read by QxMD doesn’t have that problem as the developers have made it easy for you to find relevant info based on relevant search results, and tailor the presentation to your liking.

Some of the best benefits with QxMD Read include full text PDFs with one touch, thousands of topics, organize your collection of articles, read favorite journals, and search millions of published articles from extensive databases.

As a healthcare professional, it’s important to stay up to date on some of the recent medical research and recent topic advancements to ensure that you’re providing the most optimal care. Finding the relevant articles or content all starts with an improved search process, and that’s where Read by QxMD comes in. QxMD Read helps you sort through all of the complex barriers that limit the effective search results and only presents the content that is most relevant to your topic or search query.

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16. Visual DX

Visual DX is a tool that both physicians can use to find relevant images for medical conditions or diagnoses. The medical app has over 41,000 medical images that are used to help provide over 4,000 medical diagnoses. The unique thing is that you can search based on symptom, medication, or diagnoses and receive detailed results. If you can’t figure out what you’re hoping to search for, you can also narrow down your search based on several different QuickStart Categories.

The cool and unique thing about Visual DX is that physicians can also search for other signs or patient factors that might be prevalent even if there are no other visual symptoms. Medical picture images aren’t the only thing on the platform, as there are also graphic designs or graphic charts that help physicians evaluate, recognize, and diagnose medical conditions and find treatment plans.

Another unique thing about the medical app is that it is a great education and training tool for those healthcare students. Medical textbooks often only provide a few images of potential diseases or medical conditions. With Visual DX, you can receive thousands of potential images for the same condition so you have a better understanding of what to look for and how to treat it.

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17. Lexicomp

As a healthcare professional, it can be difficult to keep track of the millions of different prescription drugs that are being prescribed by other healthcare professionals. There are so many different prescriptions that do similar things, but each one is also very unique. Prescriptions also have a bunch of information that physicians and pharmacists need to be aware of, patients need to understand how they are to be used, and the reactions to misuse and combination with other drugs is important. Lexicomp provides all that information, and more.

Lexicomp is a great medical app for those individuals who are looking for some prescription drug information. For instance, a simple search can provide the image of the prescription drug, name, strength, shape, color, pharmacological category, dosage range, interaction details, and more.

If you need to have a prescription drug resource at your fingertips, then you should consider getting Lexicomp.

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PEPID is another great clinical education resource tool that you can use to find answers and make effective treatment decisions based on a handful of factors. For instance, on PEPID healthcare professionals can find drug interactions, over 3,000 medical calculators, identify pills, create your own notes and store favorites, diagnose, and also review bedside education.

PEPID is one of the unique medical apps that goes full circle in every regard for healthcare professionals. In other words, PEPID helps healthcare professionals in every walk of life not only receive education about various medical questions that they might have but also provide those answers to their patients with effective and resourceful handouts or quick reference guides when they do their clinical rotations.

PEPID’s main goal is to diagnose, treat, and then educate. The PEPID medical app does a great job of providing useful tools that are catered to healthcare professionals and is easily accessible on your phone.

Healthcare professionals and medical users can use the app to find answers to questions they have which can then be used to treat patients, and access a large drug database, extensive medical calculators, view high-resolution photos or illustrations, and more.

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19. MDCalc Medical Calculator

One thing that separates MDCalc Medical Calculator medical app from some of the other medical app resources on our list is that MDCalc was made by board-certified physicians, and is tailored for a host of medical professionals that includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and medical students.

Medical and healthcare professionals often need to use healthcare calculators or medical calculators throughout their day. Each test has a different set of steps to take and ways to calculate the right answer. Wouldn’t it be useful and helpful if there was a resource for you to use that could help you navigate through all those complex tests to make sure you use the right one? Well, the good news is that there is: MDCalc Medical Calculator.

MDCalc Medical Calculator allows you to narrow down the medical tools based on clinical relevance from evidence. This means you make more efficient and effective decisions. MDCalc supports over 35 clinical specialties and has tools for each one.

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20. Pill Identifier

The Pill Identifier medical app is one of the largest databases that you can search to find over 24,000 prescription medications or prescription pills. The medical app allows both healthcare professionals and patients to search one of the largest databases based on drug name, shape, color, or imprint. From there, individuals and users can access a ton of information that is broken down into manageable categories like description/indication, images, strength, and prescription/over-the-counter availability, etc.

Another great tool that comes included with the Pill Identifier medical app is that you can ask questions about your medication and receive detailed answers. The interaction checker is also helpful for making sure that you don’t take something you shouldn’t — so you can avoid all those adverse reactions that might occur.

Pill Identifier - Best Medical Apps - HospitalCareers

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21. Case Medical Research

Case Medical Research by Kernel Networks is one of the most powerful medical research medical apps on the app market. The unique thing about Case Medical Research is that you can track the research that actually pertains to you. Case Medical Research uses one of the largest medical terminology databases for its users and allows healthcare professionals, healthcare students, and healthcare job seekers access over 270,000 research topics.

In addition, healthcare professionals can review thousands of medical journals from some of the largest publication sources to review some of the most recent research focused around drugs, genes, diseases, treatment methods, and more.

Case Medical Research makes it easy for those healthcare professionals who want to narrow down the quality of the research they are using. Healthcare professionals using the medical app can narrow down the results based on citation count, publication type, date, Altmetric score, and more.

Case Medical Research - Best Medical Apps - HospitalCareers

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22. NCSBN Flashcards

Studying to prepare for the NCLEX exam is one of the most stressful times for a healthcare student or registered nursing student, but it doesn’t have to be. The National Council of the State Boards of Nursing have made it a little bit easier for nursing students by creating a host of helpful medical apps that can help guide you in your studies through a flashcard medical app.

The medical app provides flashcards on virtually every topic you can think of or might be covered in the NCLEX exam.

The thing that really separates the NCSBN Flashcards app compared to other testing study guides is that the medical app allows you to customize how you go about preparing and reviewing your materials for the upcoming NCLEX exam. For instance, they have an individual medical app for the prescription part of the NCLEX exam where they make reviewing the learning material fun by providing basic descriptions, basic uses, a host of fun facts, and more.

If you’re trying to get ready for your upcoming NCLEX exam, then you should consider getting this medical app and implementing it in your study rotation.

NCSBN Flashcards - Best Medical Apps - HospitalCareers

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23. WebMD

WebMD is one of the largest and most powerful resources for healthcare professionals, and it’s even better when it’s within an arm’s reach on your phone or tablet device. WebMD provides healthcare professionals with interactive tools and research to provide the most efficient and effective care in all aspects of the treatment spectrum.

For instance, healthcare professionals can access a host of tools to provide care or access research that can be used in treatment plans for their patients. The unique thing about WebMD’s app is that it isn’t just powerful for healthcare professionals or medical professionals, it also shines for patients.

Patients can use an interactive symptom checker to learn about some of the potential conditions or issues they have, receive medication reminders, gain access to local physicians, identify pills, read the news section, and review drug interactions.

As a healthcare professional, your job can be a little bit easier when your patients have done some research as to their own personal interactions, conditions, symptoms, and more. When a patient does informed research through helpful tools like WebMD’s medical app, it makes your job a little bit easier. As a healthcare professional, you can also use the app to review trending news, research topics, and as a database for symptoms.

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24. Emergency Nursing Essentials

For those healthcare professionals or healthcare students who want to freshen up on some of the more advanced concepts associated with being a nursing professional, then you should consider getting the Emergency Nursing Essentials. Emergency Nursing Essentials is one of the best medical apps for those individuals who want to learn the fundamentals of being an Emergency Room Nurse.

While other nursing apps highlight what it’s like to be a nurse, it still doesn’t substitute the differences that are seen in an emergency room. That’s where this app comes in. Users and healthcare professionals can get an inside look into what it’s like working in an emergency room through comprehensive study presentations or questionnaires.

For instance, this medical app is great for reviewing some of the daily issues that ER nurses have to deal with, and how to deal with those issues. The medical app covers these topics and more:

  • Injury Concepts
  • Pain Management
  • Shock Treatment
  • Pediatric Emergencies
  • Trauma
  • Burns
  • Stroke
  • Wound Management
  • & More!

The Emergency Nursing Essentials medical app also has a bunch of fantastic presentations and study materials to use if you’re looking to pursue some continuing education credits or specialize in Emergency Nursing.

Emergency Nurse Essentials - Best Medical Apps - HospitalCareers

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25. Nursing Central

Nursing Central is a medical app that combines five separate nursing applications to provide the best nursing solutions to its users. The five nursing apps that are included in the Nursing Central medical app are:

  • David’s Drug Guide
  • Davis’ Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
  • Diseases and Disorders
  • Taber’s Medical Dictionary
  • Prime PubMed

Each one of these separate medical apps brings something unique to Nursing Central. The combination of them gives more power to healthcare professionals and medical professionals who are looking for technology to make their job a little bit easier.

David’s Drug Guide component of the Nursing Central medical app features need-to-know information around various prescription drugs, medications, drug interactions, and more. Davis’ Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests is a valuable resource for those procedures and tests that need to be conducted. The Diseases and Disorders medical app has complete coverage and analysis of over 250 medical conditions.

Taber’s Medical Dictionary is a fantastic encyclopedia that has over 65,000 medical terms, enhanced learning tools that contain videos, audio pronunciations, images, and term explanations. The Prime PubMed allows individuals to access more than twenty five million journals on your device through the medical app. The useful tools in the app allow individuals to also sort through journals based on their preferences.

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26. Figure 1

Figure 1 is one of the best medical apps on the market, as it is a free tool for healthcare professionals, healthcare job seekers, or healthcare students to review real-world medical cases. The app also features cases from 185 specialties, which is one of the largest specialty listings in our entire list of best medical apps on the market.

Figure 1 highlights real-world cases from individuals who have had their identities removed to safeguard against privacy infringements. Research is great for identifying ways in which care can be different for each person, but being able to see tens of examples of each type of case is a useful tool for healthcare professionals.

Figure 1 also lets healthcare professionals share individual cases or seek real-time feedback from other healthcare professionals or healthcare specialists. Figure 1 is a great tool for those healthcare professionals who want to see real cases with real people experiencing real medical conditions.

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Best Medical Apps for Medical Students

Some of the apps we’ve listed above can really help medical students in their studies. To help make it a little easier for healthcare students to discern which medical apps are best for helping them complete their studies, receive certifications/licensure, and advance into their healthcare career, here are the best medical apps for students:

  • 3D4Medical
  • Visual DX
  • Figure 1
  • NCSBN Flashcard App

Best Medical Apps for Doctors

Some of the apps above are especially useful for Doctors and Physicians. These medical apps help Doctors receive clarification on other cases, review research, and seed feedback or advice from other healthcare professionals.

  • Lexicomp
  • QxMD Read
  • DynaMed Plus
  • Unbound Medline
  • MDCalc
  • Case Medical Research
  • Visual DX
  • Docphin
  • Figure 1

Best Medical Apps for Nurses

If you’re a nurse, there are also a handful of apps that can help make your clinical rotations a little bit easier. You’re able to stay up to date on some of the more complex topics you’re asked to remember and have some helpful guides on some of the more expansive topics like identifying pills.

  • NCSBN Flashcard App
  • Diseases Dictionary
  • WebMD
  • Nursing Essentials
  • Nurses Aid
  • Nurses’ Pocket Guide
  • Pill Identifier
  • Nursing Central

Best Medical Apps for Nurse Practitioners

Below are some of the best medical apps for Nurse Practitioners. These medical apps will help provide some guidelines on your rotations and help to ensure that you provide the most accurate medical information each day.

  • Sanford Guide
  • CDC Influenza
  • Epocrates
  • UpToDate
  • Visual DX

Best Medical Apps for Healthcare Facilities or Hospitals

Medical apps aren’t just limited to being used by healthcare professionals or healthcare students, they can also be used by healthcare facilities and hospitals. There are a host of great medical apps that help hospitals and healthcare facilities keep track of their staff, provide continuing education credits, and more.

  • NurseGrid
  • Nurses Aid


With these medical apps, the ways of diagnosing, researching, and providing patient care is changing. Healthcare professionals can use these tools to become more efficient, save time, and come up with better treatment plans. In addition, these medical apps help provide cost-cutting efforts for hospitals and healthcare facilities who are looking to keep their staff well-informed on industry trends, learn about new care treatments and research, and work towards continuing education credits.

When our doctors and healthcare workers have better tools, we get better healthcare. Technology is doing great things for our medical advancement is this country, and we hope, and expect, to see more sophisticated medical apps in the future.

Tell us what you think in the comments below. Do you think the usage of apps is good or bad?

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