Hashtags are everywhere: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, commercials, and TV shows — if it exists they probably use hashtags. Using the best hashtags for your post increases its visibility and engages it with other people who use the same hashtag. But did you know they can also be used to find a job?
Twitter created hashtags and since their birth, they have spread like wildfire across every social media platform and advertising campaign. It's no wonder that hiring managers and job seekers have turned to hashtags as a tool for job placement. Healthcare recruiters, hiring managers, and employers are increasingly using every tool at their disposal to source the best candidates to fill open positions in hospitals and healthcare facilities. This means that social media is becoming an important part of every talent sourcing strategy.
If done strategically, hashtags can increase the overall visibility of a post by two-fold. They must be concise, relevant, and conversational to work well in a post. Use hashtags that other people use to reach your targeted audience. It's also good to note that you don't need to cram a bunch of hashtags into your post. It used to be that people who used more than two hashtags would see a massive drop off in engagement, roughly 17 percent. But now, those recommendations have changed. To ensure that you’re using the correct number of hashtags in your social media posts to aid you in your job search, we will outline how to best select and use the hashtags in each social media post for optimal success.
All of this sounds good, but how do you use them to find jobs? Well, the masses are turning to social media platforms to find jobs since the old ways of job searching are dead. That means using hashtags in your posts on Twitter and Facebook can make you visible to hiring managers and job postings. You can also use hashtags as a job-search tool. You can click on a hashtag and it will send you to the thread assigned to that hashtag; so if you click on #joblistings, it should bring you to a big list of job listings.
Unfortunately, LinkedIn dropped their hashtag program in 2013, but have since initiated a tag system like hashtags that function in nearly the same way to group content, posts, or topics. With LinkedIn, you can add three keyword tags to the end of your long-form post. To use the tags do this:
These tags make you visible to employers and job listings the same way hashtags do, they are just LinkedIn's way of doing so. With LinkedIn, you need to focus on keywords to improve your SEO so your post becomes more viewable than others.
Their system puts you into what they call a "Pulse channel" that aligns you with similar tags and categories. It's a great way to use keywords and tags to become more visible to hiring managers, and to find jobs you might be interested in.
If you need additional help, check the LinkedIn FAQ.
I digress, back to talking about hashtags. If you want to know the best hashtags to use to find a job, whether it be on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, you've come to the right place. We've done some digging and have found what we think are the best hashtags to use if you want to find job listings, or if you want to attract an employer to your post.
One of the glaring questions that people ask regarding the recent recommendations to use social media to find a job always relate to the viability of it. In other words, people are consistently asking, “Is it even possible to find a job if I use hashtags on my social media accounts?” The definitive answer is, yes it is possible — and we’re going to showcase how.
The recruiting industry is constantly seeking ways to find available talent. Gone are the days when companies could just post an ad in the classifieds section of a newspaper and hope to find some quality candidates. In addition, companies can no longer wait months to find recommendations or referrals from their own employees about individuals who might be a “potential fit” for the role.
Employers and companies are expected to increase production and improve overall efficiency at a faster rate, which means that not only do they need to attract quality-based talent, but they also need to onboard those candidates much faster than before. Part of the on-boarding experience is about training candidates, and if a company can source better talent through a wide array of mediums and channels, then they can reduce the amount of training they are forced to undergo.
Social media is a great way for healthcare professionals and medical job seekers to get in contact with each other with fewer barriers than some of the more formal communication methods. For instance, in a traditional and formal communication setting job seekers need to find the company email address or reach out to them with a formal letter. On social media, you can simply request a connection with one click or even send them a message without any connection barriers.
This means that you don’t have to jump through as many hoops as you would in other areas when trying to find a job. The easier your job search is, the better. You shouldn’t be forced to do a thousand things just to secure an interview. Instead, you should use the resources at your disposal to find a job with ease.
Finding a job on social media is possible with the number of connections you can make, and the amount of attention you can generate based on a simple post. For instance, several of the hashtags we highlight in this article are viewed thousands of times a day because people enjoy following them. This means that one post can generate thousands of potential visitors per hashtag, which translates to thousands of opportunities that your post can come across. Those opportunities translate to potential individuals who review resumes, social media accounts, topics, and more.
When you’re putting your name, experience, resume, cover letter, and profile in front of thousands of people who could potentially connect you with job opportunities, then you’re making finding a job much easier. Remove the barriers to entry in finding a potential job by using social media, and potentially place yourself in front of thousands of people who can help you secure your next job opportunity.
As we’ve highlighted above, social media allows you to get your name out there in front of thousands of possible opportunities to secure a new job opportunity. Social media is also a great way to educate those closest to you that you’re seeking new opportunities. In the old days, you’d have to manually reach out to individuals to ask them if they have heard about any new opportunities, or would be willing to pass your name along.
Now, with social media you can simply make one post and your friend list of several hundred, follower list of several hundred, or LinkedIn connection list of several hundred can instantly see that you’re seeking new opportunities and reach out to you if they know of available positions.
You might be hesitant to reach out to a bunch of followers on your list, but the reality of the situation is that you have to be willing to use every tool at your disposal to find success. If someone told you that you had the tools to potentially reach 25% of the globe’s population, you’d certainly use it. Social media is currently being used by roughly 2.77 billion people, which means that you have more access to people you’ve never met than ever before. Don’t limit yourself when trying to find a job.
Social media is a great way to get your name and experience out there, as it acts as a personal marketing service in the new age of healthcare recruitment and job search. One of the common questions that interviewers will frequently ask their prospective candidates relates to their interests. Social media is a great way to highlight your interests and demonstrate to potential employers that you are truly passionate about certain topics.
For example, social media is incredibly personal. Therefore, if you’re on there posting personal images, tweets, or status updates about how you enjoy spending hours at a volunteer shelter over a long period of time — then clearly you’re passionate about helping others. In other words, social media is also a great way for you to provide a little insight into who you are as an individual. Providing a little insight into who you are as an individual is important in standing out as a candidate.
Another benefit of using social media is that you make your information readily available. For instance, you can easily link your personal portfolio, website, resume, and cover letter with a few clicks. This means that recruiters, employers, and hiring managers can download it on their own time and don’t have to reach out to you and hope to hear from you and seek that critical information. Instead, they can do it on their own time and begin evaluating whether or not you’re going to be a potential fit before they reach out to you. This saves you both time and effort and helps you narrow down whether or not companies are genuinely interested in you because they have already taken a glance at your resume, cover letter, and experience.
Social media is a great way to remove barriers when conducting a job search, and offer a little insight into your personality — which is essential to landing the job of your dreams.
The pound sign is used for host of different things in different cultures and services. Pound signs are generally associated with numbers, whereas hashtags are typically associated with categories. A good way to remember it is to think of a numbered list. If you wanted to inform someone about a particular item on a list, you might designated it as such: #1.
The important thing to take away from why the pound sign is now being called a hashtag on social media sites is related to programming and data coordination. The pound sign, or hash mark, is often used in different areas to refer to a certain object or item. The second part of the hashtag is referred to as the tag. This indicates that the post or particular item belongs to or is associated with a certain category.
Together, they form the hashtag which helps designate certain data to particular topics or categories. In other words, if you added #jobs to your post, it would designate and put that post in the category of #jobs, where other people have also used that hashtag. Then, individuals who view the #jobs at a later time can see a listing of all the posts associated with that topic or category.
Hashtags allow individuals to surf topics of interest to them, and find all the related posts that have been labeled with that topic. If you were passionate about volunteering and did #volunteering, you could view other posts from individuals who attached the same hashtag to their post. Depending on the platform, you will get a wide array of potential posts that use hashtags, so you will often find a broad range of things associated with each hashtag. Using our example, you might find different opportunities to volunteer, volunteering tips, platforms to find volunteering opportunities, and more.
Hashtags make it easy for social media users to group their content into a particular category, and share that category with individuals who are also interested in that particular topic.
The first step to getting started using hashtags in your job search is to clean up your public and private profiles. Social media is increasingly becoming a tool to use in your job search, and it’s also a tool that employers and hiring managers are using to evaluate whether or not you’re a solid candidate for them to consider. This means that they are increasingly evaluating what you post on your social media, things you share, things you follow/like, and what kind of images/videos are on your profiles.
These audits or reviews that are being conducted by employers are used to evaluate whether or not you’d be a good fit, and if there are any potential downside risks associated with your personal life that could potentially affect your productivity at work. Even if you don’t feel comfortable giving the employer your social media info, it has become an important part of the candidate evaluation process so you will have to become accustomed to it and comfortable with it in some capacity.
Cleaning up your social media profiles involves removing anything that might be unsavory in the eyes or perspective of someone else. You might no think it’s inappropriate or wrong to share or have on your social media, but you have to take an objective approach. It’s best to also have someone else look through your profile or accounts as a favor and seek their feedback on what you could potentially change or remove.
Some individuals might think it’s a better idea to completely remove their social media accounts altogether, but the reality of the situation is that you’re going to limit your job search opportunities as we’ve outlined in this article, and you need some form of a digital presence in the background review process regardless.
The next step to getting started using hashtags in your job search is to figure out which hashtags that you want to use throughout your job search. In addition, you want to evaluate which hashtags are appropriate for certain mediums. For instance, some hashtags that you use on one platform might not be as popular as the same hashtag on another platform. When you’re going through the list of the best hashtags for your job search, take note of hashtags that interest you and relate to you, your experience, profession, and occupation to determine which hashtags are best for you in your job search.
As we’ve highlighted throughout our best hashtags to use for a job search, it’s important to be careful when you’re selecting and using hashtags in your social media posts and shares. Thee are several do’s and don’ts of using hashtags that you should be aware of when you’re using them to aid you in your job search.
• 1. Leverage Them In Your Job Search
For instance, the first thing you should do is to use them to improve the prospects you have in your job search. This means that you’re taking advantage of all the benefits that hashtags can offer you in improving your job search as a marketing and networking platform. Being able to make one post on social media and potentially get your post in front of thousands of individuals is a great way to let others know about your job search status, and seek connections.
• 2. Use Them To Network With Other Individuals
As we’ve outlined above, social media allows you to connect and network with other individuals in just a few clicks. You no longer have to worry about sending a super formal email or getting their mailing address or phone number to follow-up with them about potential openings. Instead, you can simply send them a message or connection request and give them immediate access to your profile. Hashtags allow you to identify individuals who are in the topics or categories that you’re using in your job search, and identify people who can directly connect with you or provide networking opportunities.
One example of this is when you use #(occupation) like #nurse, and then you find a post from a recruiter or hiring manager who used that hashtag to get in touch with nurses. You can then use that hashtag as an avenue to network with them.
• 3. Use Them For Career Advice
Another thing you should do with hashtags is to leverage them for career advice. When new content, advice, articles, and videos are posted from career advice professionals or industry professionals, you can use this information to improve your job search and career guidance. Hashtags are a great way for professionals to provide suggestions or feedback to a wide audience on a certain topic.
If you’re struggling to improve your interview skills, then you might be able to find a relevant guide or article about how to improve your skills using a relevant hashtag search. In addition, you can always send out a post or question to the hashtag and receive answers or suggestions from the community.
For instance, you can send out a post with the hashtag: #interviewtips. In that post, you can seek feedback from others on what techniques or tricks they used to secure an interview, and things you should be careful of doing when you’re engaging in your own interviews.
Using hashtags for career advice is an incredibly useful strategy to improving your job search by identifying and using content relevant to certain topics.
• 4. Use Hashtags That Are Relevant
One critical thing you must do when using hashtags for your job search is to ensure that every single hashtag that you use is relevant. It might seem like a good idea to include a hose of irrelevant hashtags that are extremely popular to get your social media post viewed by more people, but the reality of the situation is that every single poor hashtag you use works against you.
For instance, if you’re seeking a nursing position and your social media post is about being a nurse beginning your job search, then the last thing you should include in your hashtag list is #dogs. You want to ensure that you only use hashtags that are relevant to the topics you’re searching for and related to the social media post material/content.
When you narrow down to the proper social media hashtag, you’re only improving the chances of receiving a networking request or establishing a potential connection because your content is focused from the top down.
• 5. Use Career-Related Hashtags
This might seem like a given, but many people don’t realize how useful it is in their social media job search. Don’t be afraid to use job or career-related hashtags in your job search hashtag efforts. In other words, if you’re a Medical Assistant, you should consider using #medicalassistant, #medasst, or #medicalasst in your posts. These career-related hashtags are a great way to find topics and categories associated with the individual career or job that you’re pursuing.
In some cases, recruiters and employers will elect to use these hashtag methods instead of the more broad hashtag choices like #recruiting, because they will be able to narrow down the number of candidates/posts related or tagged with that hashtag.
• 6. Use Branding Hashtags
Branding hashtags are a great way for you to attract individuals who are searching for important things that job seekers should have as a part of the consideration process. For instance, one example that is pretty common and standard practice in the marketing and designer recruitment industry is to evaluate candidates who have a portfolio. To find candidates who have a portfolio or have posted about their portfolio, they might search for hashtags that use relevant keywords or keyword phrases like: #portfolio, #portfolioreview, #viewportfolio #portfoliopiece.
When recruiters evaluate and search for those keywords or keyword phrases, they might be able to stumble across one social media post where the job seeker uploaded a piece of their portfolio. In the healthcare industry, you should consider putting relevant certifications, accomplishments, and other branded materials as a relevant hashtag in your social media posts.
• 7. Use a Diversified Hashtag Strategy
It’s important to remember that you should always be using a diversified hashtag strategy when you’re using hashtags in your job search. It might seem like a great idea to focus all your efforts on the hashtags that have a million other posts or views monthly. But the reality is that some of the larger hashtags are also more competitive. Meaning that every couple of minutes, something new gets posted and your post or share will get pushed down further.
In contrast, some of the more smaller and niche-oriented hashtags will offer you more visibility over a longer period of time, and you won’t have to compete with as many others.
It’s also important to realize that each platform isn’t the same, and they’re all unique. Each one will have different benefits for you and your job search. This means that you should make a conscious effort to use each one.
You also have to make a conscious effort to come up with a diversified strategy for each social media platform that you use as well. For example, the hashtags that are very successful on one platform might not be as successful on other platforms or aid you as well in your job search. For instance, the hashtags you used on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook will serve you differently than the hashtags you use on Instagram.
Come up with a diversified strategy to ensure that you’re using both branding and career-related hashtags, and you’re also using the most efficient hashtags on the proper platforms that will aid you in your job search.
• 8. Don’t Be Afraid To Use Acronyms
Another thing that you must do when using hashtags in your job search is to not be afraid to use acronyms for longer keywords or keyword phrases. As we mentioned in our earlier example, it is always a good idea to use acronyms for some of the longer tailed hashtags because they are most likely under-utilized hashtags and will also provide an opportunity to use hashtags with lesser competition as we’ve highlighted earlier.
Instead of using #registerednurse all of the time, take the time to also use #BSN or #RN. Using acronyms is a great way to also target relevant hashtags without causing a distraction in your social media post. When you have a lot of long hashtags in your social media post, the post itself becomes more about the hashtags than the actual content.
When you’re trying to use social media as a marketing and networking platform to aid you in your job search, you don’t want to spam people with long hashtags that hide the main content of your post — using acronyms will eliminate this concern.
• 9. Research The Most Popular Hashtags Frequently
The next thing you should do when using hashtags for your job search is to constantly research the most popular hashtags and do it frequently! We have outlined below some of the best hashtags that you should use for your job search, but you might discover a host of hashtags that we’ve missed.
In addition, doing your own research will help you find some of those hashtags that have loyal communities, but aren’t as competitive as the most popular ones like we’ve mentioned earlier. One great way to identify additional hashtags that you haven’t considered before is to view some of the social media posts that used the same hashtags as you. Once you’ve done that, take a look at the hashtags that individual or community used and see if you’re already using them. If not, write them down and use them in the future.
Researching other hashtags to use is a great way to ensure that you’re using the most updated, relevant, and popular ones to aid you in your job search.
There are plenty of things you should not do when using hashtags in your job search. Make sure to avoid some of the things that we’ve highlighted below, and you can ensure that you’re not sabotaging your own job search.
• 1. Avoid Using Too Many Hashtags
The key to using hashtags in your job search is to avoid using too many hashtags in your social media posts and content shares. When you use too many hashtags, you run the risk of drowning out the entire purpose of your content.
Check out this example post: “So excited to start a new job search #jobsearch #recruiting #recruitment #jobsearchadvice #jobseeker #newjobseeker”
Right off the bat, you can tell that there are way too many hashtags in the post. The hashtags take up the majority of the post, and drown out the entire part about how you’re excited to seek new opportunities.
In addition, when you use too many hashtags, you run the risk of using irrelevant hashtags in your job search social media strategy.
• 2. Avoid Using Irrelevant Hashtags
Make sure to avoid using irrelevant hashtags in your job search social media strategy. For instance, the last thing you want to do is use #dogs when you’re looking for RN positions. Not only does the content appear to be completely unrelated to the actual tag or category that you’re associating it with, but you also run the risk of getting blocked or unfollowed by those individuals who associate in those categories.
In addition, you also run the risk of people dreaming your content completely irrelevant as well based on the irrelevant hashtags that you’re including in your posts.
• 3. Avoid Simple Mistakes
Another thing you want to avoid is simple mistakes when you’re using hashtags. For instance, you don’t want any spelling errors in your selected hashtags. One way to avoid simple mistakes is to ensure that you proofread, spellcheck, and grammar check before submitting your social media post or sharing it with your social media following.
• 4. Don’t Hashtag Everything
The next thing to avoid doing is hashtagging everything. In the early days of hashtagging, everyone thought it was a good idea to hashtag their entire block of text or content. The problem with this is that you’re essentially creating nothing but a spam hashtag, or creating your own hashtag because nobody has ever come up with that same combination of letters and words before.
When you’re hashtagging everything, the odds of it getting viewed by a relevant connection or networking request is incredibly limited. Avoid hashtagging everything and only use relevant hashtags
• 5. Avoid Using Super Long Hashtags
Another thing that you want to avoid is using super long hashtags. Similar to the tip to avoid hashtagging everything, some people might think they can get around the system by just using super long hashtags. Similar to the hashtagging everything caveat, hashtagging things in long keywords or keyword phrases is a great way to waste your time and receive minimal results.
Avoid using super long hashtags, and only focus on the ones that are most relevant to the post or topic that you’re trying to target. Social media is all about saving time and effort, so keep that in mind when you’re figuring out which hashtags to use with each post or share. For instance, more people are going to use acronyms or shorter characters to describe and tag the same thing. As an example of this, more people will use #RN, then they will #RegisteredNurse. RN only has 2 characters whereas Registered Nurse has 15.
Avoid using super long hashtags when you’re tagging your posts and shares and you’ll be glad you did.
Now that you understand the importance of why you should be using hashtags, and the do’s and don’ts associated with them, you might be asking where you should use them. In this next section, we’ll break down where you should put the hashtags in your posts for maximum return.
In your Facebook posts and shares, you should elect to put them at the end of your posts. In some cases, it’s even recommended that you create a new line and put them underneath your content. Two examples of what we’re talking about are below:
Both of these techniques just help to break up the content from the hashtags and are easier on the eyes. It’s important to remember that while your intent is to clearly use hashtags in your social media posts and social media shares to aid you in your job search, they’re not the driving focus behind each post. Your experience and content should be the driving force.
Another benefit of Facebook is that you can find other similar content or shares that have used social media tags that you have used in the past. This is a great way to track and identify other popular social media hashtags, as we’ve mentioned earlier.
On LinkedIn, when you’re ready to submit an article you want to open up the drafted article or content. From there you want to click Publish and a new dialog box will pop up. In the dialog box there is a dedicated section for you to let others know what the content is about. This is where you designate what hashtags you want to use and allow others to view it.
In addition, LinkedIn will allow you to follow other communities and put them in your LinkedIn Feed. These hashtag selections are referred to as topics in LinkedIn and will show up on your LinkedIn homepage feed.
Twitter is very similar to Facebook in that you want to add the hashtag at the end of the content. Once again you want to leave the hashtags at the end of the content or leave space and put the hashtags on a new line.
Instagram is a unique platform where you can do something really unique with your hashtags. Similar to Facebook and Twitter you have two options. The first option is that you can put the hashtags in the original post at the end, or you can create a comment on the original post and put your hashtags in there.
The good news is that when you’re creating the comment with hashtags, you can still tag that content and post with the appropriate hashtags and avoid having to worry about whether or not the content won’t be tagged properly.
There are hashtags you can use to find jobs and there are those you can use to attract employers to your post. We will list them both together, but tell you which purposes they are for, or if you can use them for both.
This is one of the best hashtags you can use to find a job. You can use this hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to find posts related to job search and to see if anyone is hiring. This is really one of the most important hashtags you can search to find a job and you can also tag it to your post so that others can see you're looking for employment. Twitter has hundreds of new updates for this hashtag every hour so you can see the most current post and search the whole list back through time. On Facebook, you can see posts that relate to the hashtag and you can see posts that are specific to friends and groups about the topic. If you need a job, definitely add #jobsearch to your posts and check to see what people are posting.
#Jobopenings and #jobopening are some of the best hashtags to search for a job. This hashtag is mainly a searchable tag to help you find something you might be interested in. Facebook and Twitter update frequently with new #jobopenings that post from all over the world. You can use this hashtag to see other people's posts that are relevant to your search. You can add a hashtag of your area to help search within that area of interest. This is definitely a good hashtag to use if you want to see posts from hiring managers who need their jobs filled. One downside is that there are jobs from all over the world.
#Hireme is an increasingly popular hashtag that job seekers use to let employers know that they need a job and are available. If you are unemployed, you might as well own it and be blunt about trying to get a job. Nobody will give you a job unless you ask and this is the best way to ask for a job today. #Hireme is the best hashtag to get your point across and be thrown into the pool of other job seekers; just make sure to have a good post that stands out and uses good keywords that make you valuable.
This hashtag can be used to make yourself visible to the Job Angels group. They help unemployed people find jobs and post good resources for job seekers; you can find everything from job openings to career advice and resources on this thread. They even hold webinars for job seekers to provide tips and tricks, ask questions and get answers from careers advisers and experts. It's definitely a good resource if you need a job.
Hashtagging your skills is a good move to let employers see that you are highly qualified. These hashtags can be #MBA, #Ph.D., really whatever your skill is that you want other people to see. You can make these unique and they are used best if coupled with other hashtags like, "Looking for a medical job. #jobopenings #Doctor," or something along these lines. Another example can be, "Just got my #MBA and I need a #financejob." Get creative with it. It won't hurt.
If you're looking for a job, you might as well go straight to the ones hiring. #HR makes your post visible to anybody searching the human resources thread. You can also search the thread to see if any HR people have posted jobs. The thread is also a good place for resources and hiring tips. It's a good keyword to hashtag and search if you need a little boost in your job search.
Even though you can't use normal hashtags on LinkedIn, you can use #LinkedIn on Twitter or Facebook to let those looking know that you have a visible profile that they should check out. You can step it up a bit and put a link to your profile in the post. Also, in the hashtag thread on Twitter or Facebook, you can see what other people are posting. A bunch of people post resources in here and talk about news and tips to help you land a job.
This is one the best hashtags to see if a company is hiring. This hashtag is almost exclusively used by companies. Many companies use this hashtag when they have jobs they need to be filled. This is really just a searchable hashtag you can use to search for listings-- unless you happen to be hiring. It's pretty easy. Look through the thread to see if there are any jobs you might be interested in. One thing that isn't great is that there are literally jobs from all over the world, so it might take awhile.
This is a hashtag you can search for jobs and tag your post to become visible in the thread. You can use this hashtag with #jobs and other major keywords used by businesses looking for new employees. This is another thread that posts resources and tips for anyone looking for a job. It's a pretty standard job searching thread, but tons of people use it, so it is a good one to use for visibility and see what's happening in the job world.
This is a great thread to visit for hiring trends and to learn about recruiting techniques used to find candidates. You can read about recruiting news, see what people forecast for the future of recruiting, and check out new technologies that companies use to find employees. Companies also post jobs on this thread, so you can find careers. It's an all around good hashtag to visit for news, resources, and job listings.
This is a great hashtag to use when you’re looking for individual positions. This allows you to identify content or other posts that specifically target that role or career. One example that you can use is #RN or #RegisteredNurse. There are nearly hashtags for every single role or career that you could potentially hold, and spinoffs or acronym combinations that you can use. Get creative and start searching for hashtags with the role as the main focus.
If you’re looking for some more advice on how you can improve your job search or seek feedback about things that you can do to improve your prospects, then you should consider using the #JobTips hashtag. As the hashtag indicates, this hashtag will offer tips to secure new positions, transition from one job to another, and ways to become more productive in your current or future role.
This hashtag is really good for getting your resume out to a host of people in a heartbeat. This hashtag is great for those individuals who want to learn more about developing a better resume to stand out, finding resume help professionals, resume guidelines, and use it to share your resume amongst a host of recruiters and hiring managers who are seeking resumes for new positions.
This hashtag is great for those individuals who are just about to begin their job hunt and are seeking to inform others about their intention. In addition, this hashtag is useful for finding great career advice and job search advice related to the job hunting process.
It’s not always an easy process to figure out which companies in your area are hiring. In addition, if you’re struggling to find certain positions or industries that are hiring, you can use this hashtag for all of the above and identify key areas of opportunity. Posts associated with the #Hiring hashtag will often provide a glimpse at the job description, which also offers you the opportunity to learn more before visiting any link or redirect to fill out the application on the appropriate platform.
Similar to the #Hiring hashtag, this is a great one for evaluating which companies, industries, or employers are looking to find recent talents.There are two key differences between the #hiring and #NowHiring hashtag. The first is that #Hiring might be related to the individual process hiring candidates, whereas the #NowHiring hashtag indicates that they are currently seeking new talent to fill vacant positions or roles. The second is that #NowHiring is indicative of a job posting that is very recent and an-ongoing effort.
In some cases, when companies or employers say they are “hiring”, it could potentially mean that they plan on making hires eventually in the next several months. There is no room for confusion with “Now Hiring”, because they have clearly expressed the need and desire to start hiring candidates immediately.
This is one of the most used hashtags when it comes to finding new employment opportunities or discussing current employment topics. #Job gets only half the tags or posts as #Jobs and they also offer different content. #Job is frequently used when individuals talk about their own job or talk about pursing a job in the singular form. #Jobs could potentially refer to a host of jobs that are now available, job advice that spreads to any industry, or statistics about jobs in general.
When you’re looking to use the #Job or #Jobs in your social media posts and networking efforts, you want to make sure that they are going to be relevant to the social media posts you’re sharing.
For those individuals who are seeking career advice, job descriptions, or job profiles related to certain careers, then you should consider using this hashtag in your job search. Many posts in this hashtag category are related to identifying individual careers that people should look at or drive potential interest towards those job seekers who are seeking new opportunities.
This hashtag is great for those individuals who want to find individual job postings. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also use #JobPostings to identify a host of job postings. Similar to some of the other job search hashtags we’ve mentioned above, this is a great hashtag to use when you’re looking to find a little bit more info about the job before viewing the employer’s website or applicant tracking system.
The cool thing about this hashtag, is that some employers or recruiters will automatically tag their new job postings when they go live on their respective sites, so you can be one of the first people to apply using by perusing the content associated with this hashtag.
This hashtag is great for those individuals who are also seeking non-paid efforts or internship opportunities. Some of the best jobs can come from internships or non-paid efforts that transform into paid opportunities and contracts. Employers, hiring managers, and recruiters appreciate those individuals who have a bit of experience on their resume if they’ve never had a paid job in the industry before. If you’re seeking ways to gain experience in the short-term, then take the time to view the #Opportunity hashtag and see what’s out there.
This is another overlooked hashtag that not many people think of using when they begin their job search or have been conducting it for quite some time on social media. When you include the state or nearby location in your hashtag, you can identify new job opportunities or posts associated with that opportunity in that location.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, there are several hashtags that you can use in your social media hashtag job search efforts to demonstrate and share with others that you’re looking for new opportunities. One of the best hashtags to let others know that you’re looking for work is the #HireMe option. This is a great hashtag to use when you’re looking to share your resume or experience.
If you’re looking to share that you’re currently unemployed and seeking new opportunities, then one hashtag you can use is #Unemployed. This hashtag also offers a ton of great advice for those who are currently unemployed and need to tighten their budget or approach their job search from a different perspective.
A Curriculum Vitae, or a CV as it is most commonly referred to, is a more detailed version of the resume for various healthcare professionals. Similar to the #Resume hashtag, this is another great hashtag to use for those who want to share their CV.
Another great idea to use when you’re using hashtags is to use the relevant industry that you’re hoping to pursue with your job search. One example of this is the healthcare industry. You can use virtually every single industry and then just use the phrase job after it. This will help eliminate some of those jobs that are popping up with other hashtags, and allow you to tailor your search to the industry you really want to work in.
Similar to #HealthcareJob, you can also use hashtags in your job search to narrow down the location that you’d like to work in. If you’re only pursuing hospital jobs or healthcare clinic jobs, then use relevant hashtags and keywords in your hashtags for your job search. Using #HospitalJob is a great way to identify hospital job opportunities.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, it’s always a good idea to use some different phrases and words that might mean the same thing. It’s always a good idea to use these different keywords or phrases because you want to find and locate potential job opportunities and networking opportunities centered around careers instead of just a job.
Careers are perceived as a long-term investment and commitment, whereas a job might be seen as something temporary. It’s just a good idea to mix and mingle some hashtags to expand your efforts and be conscious of some of the different combinations that individuals could be using. This is also another area where your research will come into play when you’re evaluating which hashtags to use in your job search.
One of the common things in today’s recruitment strategy is to do mass-interviews or walk-in interviews. If a company or employer are conducting walk-in interviews, they will typically tag the post or share with the #Interview instead of some other keyword or keyphrase. Take the time to peruse this category for posts like that, in addition to interview tips and tricks.
If you need a job, the best way to land one is to use all the resources at your fingertips and take advantage of the best hashtags. Social Media is now a dominating leader in helping people find jobs. Instead of looking through newspapers or even on Craigslist anymore, people are using connections and large social media networks to land jobs. You should use LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to search for jobs and use targeted keywords and hashtags to your advantage. Combining hashtags and keywords makes you visible to employers and people who visit the same search threads. Give it a try. Hopefully, your visibility will increase and you will land the job of your dreams.
What hashtags do you use? Tell us in the comments below.
( Article / Content Updated 2019 )